

Food Tips for Healthy Teeth

We all know that foods high in sugar and acid are bad for teeth, but did you know that some foods are actually good for


Microsurgery: Better than Ever Before

Over the last 10-15 years, the field of endodontics has changed dramatically with considerable improvements in particular in the area of endodontic surgery! In fact,


It’s Alive! Your Tooth, that is!

People often wonder, “How does a tooth get to the point of infection?” It’s a common misconception that teeth are not alive. That belief leads


The Many Faces of Tooth Pain

Many people think that a painful tooth means they need a root canal treatment. While that is sometimes true, it’s not always the case. In


The Science Behind Oral Cancer

Can drinking coffee really help prevent oral cancer? What about different types of foods? Numerous studies have been published that claim certain foods and drinks


Facial Injuries – What Do I Do?

It’s important to know what to do when you or someone close to you has been injured, especially when it comes to facial injuries. The


What Is An Apicoectomy?

“What is an Apicoectomy? Is it surgery? Is it painful? And why do I have to have one?” In our practice, we hear these question